The Sacred Door Project

Why Perform Ziyāra

Reading Time: 23 minutes Within a religious context, ziyāra refers to visiting the burial sites of sacred figures within the Islamic tradition…

Arrogance and Apathy: Islam and Personal Responsibility

Reading Time: 12 minutes Islam emphasizes the importance of giving charity, and more importantly…

The Qurʾānic Influence on Islamic Poetry

Reading Time: 113 minutes The historical importance of poetry in the Arabian Peninsula precedes the rise of Islam.

Al-Kulayni and al-Kafi   

Reading Time: < 1 minute Much like the majority Sunni school of Islam, one of the major sources from which Twelver

A Bibliographical Survey of Critical Shi’i Texts (1979-2022) Part (2)

Reading Time: < 1 minute One such work that explains Shi’i beliefs in detail is Doctrines of Shi‘i Islam: defining Shi’ism

A Bibliographical Survey of Critical Shi’i Texts (1979-2022) Part (1)

Reading Time: < 1 minute For far too long, the Islamic branch of Shi’ism has been labeled as the heterodox sect

Congregational Prayers and the Community in the Prophet’s (P) Sirah

Reading Time: < 1 minute In a paper published by the recently launched Ayaan Institute, titled CREATING A NEW CIVILISATION…

Divisions of a Day – A Reconstructed Narration

Reading Time: < 1 minute One of the most famous traditions in both Shī‘ī and Sunni books is the ḥadīth…

Tasting the Mercy of God

Reading Time: < 1 minute One reason that causes many Muslims today to be so untuned with Islam altogether is…